Class 5/Year 5

Miss B Gibbens
Miss B Gibbens (Teacher)
Mr B Harrison
(Teaching Assistant)
Mr B Harrison (Teaching Assistant)


Year 5 is our children’s penultimate year in primary school. It is a time for consolidation, challenge and preparation. In Year 5, we pride ourselves on nurturing the children’s independence, confidence and resilience as they enjoy a challenging and stimulating learning programme that is designed to stretch and inspire.

Please check the calendar and ClassDojo regularly and keep your contact details up to date with the office.

The Class 5 curriculum is heavily linked to historical, geographical and scientific topics, which are as follows:

Advent 1: The Ancient Islamic Civilisation

Advent 2: Mountains of the World

Lent 1: The Kingdom of Benin

Lent 2: Space

Pentecost 1: The Tudors

Pentecost 2: Conservation and Climate Change

At the beginning of each topic, each child will be given a Knowledge Organiser, which is used as the basis of their learning and homework tasks for that term. These can be found in the Knowledge Organiser section below.

We operate a two-week timetable which can be found here: Class 5 Timetable 2023

Class 5

Please find Knowledge Organisers for our new Religious Education Directory, RED, units below:

Creation And Covenant KO

Prophecy And Promise KO

Children should read to a someone at home 3 times a week and have this recorded in their reading diary.

Passwords and usernames for all online platforms are the same and have not changed from when they were given out. If you have forgotten your child’s logon details, please contact me.

Please log on to the online platforms:

TT Rockstars at least 10 minutes a week.

Spelling Shed – please complete the assignment set/access any of the games.

Here are a variety of websites which you will find useful. Your child can use these to help and support their leaning. Please click  on the weblinks below and enjoy playing some of the games. Thank you. 

Spelling Shed

Times Table Rock Stars

BBC Bitesize for Primary Schools

Maths Topmarks

National Geographics Kids

Oxford Owl
