Catholic Life

Catholic Life

Our pupils take pride in their faith and live out the Church’s teachings through their words and actions. This includes welcoming, including and celebrating pupils who have different beliefs. They have an acute understanding of what’s right and wrong. They achieve happiness through self-respect and respect for others. They embrace and understand their own community and are always curious and interested in the wider community and how they can contribute to a better world for all.

Throughout the year they direct and contribute to our learning environment, acts of worship, charitable activities, fundraising, and celebrations all of which develop the Catholic character of our school and prepare them for their lives beyond the school gates.

Our school has strong links with Holy Cross Parish; together we are at the heart of a close-knit and thriving parish life. Our Parish Priest, Fr Richard Hardstaff, plays an active part in daily school life and worship. Throughout the academic year, individual classes prepare and celebrate liturgies, which parents are invited to share in and the whole school worships together in the Church or the school hall.

Mrs Maria Williams (our Chair of Governors), a catechist at the Parish, helps Catholic pupils prepare for their First Holy Communion. This preparation includes receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession), and several visits to the church to learn more about the Mass and our belief in the Eucharist. There is also an important role for parents in this preparation, which complements what the children are learning through the Year 3 RE curriculum.

A number of our children attend the popular Children’s Liturgy sessions at Mass each Sunday, which are also open to pre-school children, and from Year 3 upwards, both boys and girls are invited to learn how to serve Mass.

Diocesan Canonical Inspection Reports

Diocesan Reports

Oscar Romero Hub

Holy Cross Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy is part of the Oscar Romero Hub.  We work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure that we are a strong Catholic community supporting the faith development of our young people.

Oscar Romero Hub

Catholic Life/Prayer & Liturgy Policies

Our Catholic Life, Prayer & Liturgy and Religious Education policies can be found on our website (Pupils & Ethos) Policies.

Protocol for Visitors to Catholic Schools

Protocol For Visitors To Catholic Schools CES

Virtues for Catholic Schools

Virtues For Catholic Schools

‘Virtues to Learn by’ and ‘Virtues to Love by’

Our values will influence our culture which is created by the actions of our school community. Virtues are positive patterns of behaviour intended to respect God, ourselves and our brothers and sisters. Therefore, our children learn about the Theological and Cardinal virtues and how to develop the positive patterns of behaviour required to live Christian and virtuous lives. The intention is to create a distinctively Catholic place of educational and spiritual development where a virtuous culture is focused on our Gospel values and on Christ being at the centre.

We have implemented ‘Virtues to Learn by’ and ‘Virtues to Love by’ as part of Virtues to Live by.

Liturgical Calendars

NRCDES Liturgical Calendar

Year of Prayer

Jubilee 2025

Pope Francis inaugurated a Year of Prayer ahead of the 2025 Jubilee.  He called on the faithful “to pray more fervently to prepare ourselves to live properly this grace-filled event”.

The Holy Father said that The Year of Prayer 2024 is dedicated “to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer, prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church, prayer in the world”.  At Holy Cross we are encouraging each class to dedicate an area of their prayer table to encourage independent prayer:

We have also led an Our Lady of Lourdes Pilgrimage to allow for all children to experience a pilgrimage, a time for reflect and a time for prayer.  Each class has a prayer book, to record prayer and liturgies and celebrations of the word.  Each class also has a prayer bag. These go home with a different member of the class each week so they can write a prayer with their family and this is shared with the class during the following week.

Faith In Action

Recognising, rewarding and celebrating the active faith and service of young people. Our Year 6 children are currently preparing for their Faith in Action Award led by our School Chaplain.  Click on the link below to find out more

We meet every week to explore the Faith in Action award and are working towards our Pin Level. Together, we look at the scriptures and Church teaching and think about how we can put our own faith into action through service in our school and community. We keep a journal to record our faith journey and at the end of the programme we will create a final project piece to reflect all that we have learned.

“We do Faith in Action to show our love for God.”
“ We pray together.”
“Like the name says, we try to show our faith in our actions.”
“I enjoy learning about God and the lives of the Saints.”


During our Epiphany Liturgy, each class chalk the year for their classroom doors. These are then blessed by our Parish Priest and displayed throughout the year.

Bishop Patrick School Blessing

On the 3rd July 2023, Bishop Patrick visited Holy Cross to celebrate Mass and bless the new school building and classrooms. It was a joyous occasion enjoyed by all who attended.

Schools Singing Partnership

Our children take part in the Schools Singing Programme.  They enjoy attending the St Barnabas Cathedral for the annual carol concerts.

The Crowning of Mary

Every year flowers from our Crowning of Mary celebration are shared with our local residential care home. The residents really enjoy visits from the children.

First Holy Communion

At Holy Cross, our children have the opportunity to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion from Year 3. The children celebrate these Sacraments at Holy Cross parish in June every year.

International Day of Peace

Our Year 6 shared a thought-provoking liturgy to mark International Day of Peace. We learned how CAFOD are working with communities in San Salvador to enable communities engaged in conflict to live together peacefully, guided by a prayer from St Teresa of Avila. We were challenged to think about how we can share peace and love in our Holy Cross community.

Ash Wednesday

Our Nursery children receive their ashes for the first time at Holy Cross.  Our Head pupils attended Mass and brought back the Ashes to be distributed to all classes.

Resources/Additional Links


Our Lady of Lourdes Trust Chaplaincy


Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service – NDCYS

Diocese of Nottingham

Discover our diocese, our faith, and more by clicking on the link below

The God who Speaks