School Council
The school council hold annual anti-bullying assemblies to talk about the negative effects of bullying and what bullying really and share an important messages about choosing respect.
The school council regular collect items for the homeless and separated the collection into shoe boxes for male and female. We decorate the boxes in wrapping paper and delivered them with Mrs Bamford to local charities.
Counsellor Rostance visited us to talk about his role in the Community. The School Council explained about the ways that they are trying to improve in school and what their aims were. Counsellor Rostance learned more about our religion and stated that the School Council had were really focused and great role models for the other children in school.
The school council lead annual anti-bullying assemblies. All the children and staff come to school in odd socks to show they’re different. The theme this year was ‘choose respect’ remembering how we do this in Holy Cross school using the Holy Cross way.
The school council visited County Hall in Nottingham to speak about changes and improvements we can make in school. We were put into groups for the sessions and gave everyone a voice. Alfred (Year 6).