Governor Information

Our Governing Body

At Holy Cross Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy, our governors are volunteers from our parish, school and local community. They are each responsible for providing strategic leadership and accountability in our school.  We currently have 6 governors comprised of; four foundation governors, appointed by the Diocese of Nottingham and two parent governors, elected by parents of the school.

School governors are volunteers with varied skills who have an interest in our children’s education and the smooth running of the school.  Governors meet regularly to monitor strategic development, religious education, health & safety and progress within the school. We also spend time in school working with the children and the staff to support our high standards.  We ensure that the school maintains our distinctive Catholic ethos and the link between the Parish and the school.  If you have any questions or would like to meet with me, then please email ( or contact me via school office.

Mrs Maria Williams (Chair of Governors)

Our Governors

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Mrs Maria Williams

Chair of Governors

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Mr Albert Wilson

Vice Chair of Governors

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Mr Ben Wright

Foundation Governor

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Mrs Rachael Mason

Parent Governor

Reg Carter

Mr Reg Carter

Foundation Governor

Governance in a Catholic School

Governing bodies help schools and academies to fulfil their mission. All schools have governing bodies made up of different categories of governors. All Catholic school governing bodies are made up of foundation governors, and parent governors, along with the Headteacher.

Role of our Governing Body

The main role of the governing body is to operate at a strategic level, leaving the Headteacher and senior leaders responsible and accountable to the governing body for the operational day-to-day running of the school.

Foundation Governors

Foundation governors are specifically appointed by the Bishop or Religious Order to ensure the preservation and development of the school’s Catholic character, to ensure that the school is being conducted as a Catholic School, and to represent the Bishop’s (and the Religious Order’s) education policy to the governing body.

Current Governors Governor Status Appointed by Start Date End Date Responsibilities
Mrs Maria Williams Foundation/Chair Diocese 01/11/2023 31/10/2027 Safeguarding/SEND/Pastoral/Forest Schools
Mr Albert Wilson Foundation/Vice Chair Diocese 01/11/2023 31/10/2027 Health & Safety/Maths/Arts/Technology
Mr Benjamin Wright Foundation Diocese 01/02/2021 31/01/2025 RE/Prayer & Liturgy/Humanities/Science/EYFS
Mrs Rachael Mason Parent Parents 01/05/2021 30/04/2025 PE/Physical Health/English/Phonics
Mr Reg Carter Foundation Diocese 01/03/2023 28/02/2027 Catholic Life/PSHE & RSHE
Mrs Rachel Francis-Nweke Parent Parents 01/03/2024 28/02/2028 To be confirmed

All our policies have been ratified by our school governors and signed hard copies are located in our school office.  Our Trust Governance Policies can be found here.

Key Documents & Policies

Code Of Conduct Local Governors

Governor Induction Policy

Governor Visits Monitoring and Evaluation Policy

NRCDES Local Governing Body Handbook

LGB Online Training:

Safeguarding (Governors) Yearly
Prevent Yearly
Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance 2022 – Part 1 Yearly
GDPR Awareness Yearly
Cyber Security Yearly
Safer Recruitment 2 Years
Equality and Diversity (EDI) 2 Years
(EDI) Learning Videos 2 Years
Modern Slavery 2 Years
Unconscious bias 2 years

LGB Addition Training:

Diocesan Conference for Local Governors
Local Governing Body Self Review
Local Governing Body Self Review
Data Standard and Outcomes
Governor Being an Effective Governor
Preparations for Ofsted/Role of Governors
Preparations for Canonical Inspection
Governor Taking The Chair
Governor Catholic Life
Introduction to Special Educational Needs and disabilities Course (SEND) for LGB
DSL Governor Support Session
OLoL Exclusion & IRP Training

NRCDES LGB Training Programme

Local Governors Training Programme

SubjectLink Governor
SafeguardingMaria Williams
Health & SafetyAlbert Wilson
SEND/Pastoral/Forest SchoolsMaria Williams
RE/Prayer & LiturgyBen Wright
Catholic Life/GDPR/PSHEReg Carter
English/PhonicsRachael Mason
Maths/ArtsAlbert Wilson
EYFSBen Wright
History/GeographyReg Carter
ScienceBen Wright
LanguagesReg Carter
TechnologyAlbert Wilson
PE/Physical HealthRachael Mason