Our Governing Body
At Holy Cross Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy, our governors are volunteers from our parish, school and local community. They are each responsible for providing strategic leadership and accountability in our school. We currently have 6 governors comprised of; four foundation governors, appointed by the Diocese of Nottingham and two parent governors, elected by parents of the school.
School governors are volunteers with varied skills who have an interest in our children’s education and the smooth running of the school. Governors meet regularly to monitor strategic development, religious education, health & safety and progress within the school. We also spend time in school working with the children and the staff to support our high standards. We ensure that the school maintains our distinctive Catholic ethos and the link between the Parish and the school. If you have any questions or would like to meet with me, then please email (mwilliams@holycross.notts.sch.uk) or contact me via school office.
Mrs Maria Williams (Chair of Governors)