

We live in a consumerist society and children need to learn that money isn’t everything in life. As a child’s sense of self develops, so do the demands for things they “need” and want. Children should be taught about giving and not just taking; fundraising provides the perfect opportunity to do this.  At Holy Cross we regularly fundraise for National, Regional and Local charities.

We live by the values of St. Oscar Romero:

Aspire not to have more, but to be more.

Supported Charities

The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International.    

We hold regular non-school uniform day to raise money for CAFOD.

Our children took part in Cafod’s Walk for Water challenge to raise money for CAFOD during Lent.

Since 1922, Missio has been the Catholic Church’s official charity for overseas mission. They bring the hope of the Gospel where there is turmoil, poverty and uncertainty in the world, and where the Church is new, young or poor. Missio empowers local people to form and sustain communities of faith and train and nurture future leaders so that the vital work of the Church in the world can take place. 

Founded in faith in 1976 by Father Roger Killeen, Emmanuel House exists to support homeless, vulnerable or isolated adults in and around Nottingham. They welcome between 60-90 visitors each weekday and 30-50 on weekends each with complex and multiple needs. With roughly 70 hot meals a day being served, they provide the basic needs for homeless and vulnerably housed adults in Nottingham. They currently have 22 members of staff and over 70 volunteers who regular support the organisation. They also provide support and services including advice and advocacy around tenancies, benefits, mental health support, training and workshops, drug & alcohol support, a daily nurse and a core programme of social activities. They also have an onsite charity shop- bringing in much needed income and is a place for service users to gain first hand work experience.


Every Christmas and Easter our Headteacher and staff take bags of donations to Emmanuel House and meet service users.

Under One Roof was founded in 1998 as a community resource centre providing support in the Hucknall region. The building is owned and run by a Management Committee which mainly consists of volunteers. It is run as a not-for-profit organisation and provides low cost office space and meeting rooms primarily to charitable and voluntary organisations. It is home to a range of organisations. including; IT for All, Engage Furniture Project, Engage Food Bank, Cottage Crafts Group, Taking Steps Walking Group.  All schemes are primarily run by volunteers and are always pleased to hear from people willing to help. Under One Roof, 3A Vine Terrace, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7HN.

We hold our annual Macmillan coffee morning in school, a charity close to all our hearts.

Established in 1994 as the East Midlands’ only hospice for children and young people, Rainbows is a place where life-limited children and their families can find care and support. Their incredible team of people help relieve symptoms, improve quality of life, support parents and siblings through their bereavements and care for children until the end.  Please visit their website.  Registered Charity Number: 101405.

Since 1891, we’ve been working for a better future for dogs and the people who love them.

When a dog is in distress, we care for them. When a dog needs a home, we find them a loving family. When an owner needs a helping hand (or paw) – or they just can’t cope, we’re ready to step in.

For every dog, for every owner, we’re by their side through thick and thin, throughout their lives. The bond they have is special to us. It changes lives, making each day happier and more complete. It’s why we believe A dog is for life.®

Discover who we are, what we do, and how we’ll never stop fighting to make tomorrow’s world a better place for all dogs.

The school has raised £250 for CAFOD during the Lent term .  This total was combined with other schools in the Our Lady of Lourdes Trust who took part, who together, have raised the highest amount this year from an organisation.

Links to our Charitable Work