School Meals

School Meals Booking

Schools meals are pre booked and paid for via our Arbor app, you will be able to pay electronically, using credit or debit cards as well as PayPal.

Parents are able to choose online from the latest Aspens Catering Menu (weeks 1, 2 and 3) and weeks ahead, this will be refunded in the event of a child’s absence if notified before 9am. Aspens have their own special diets/allergy forms/policy so please complete this and return to school if required.

The current cost of a school meal is £2.60 for those in KS2 and not entitled to Free School Meals.

Children in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding or in KS1 (Class Rec, 1 & 2) are entitled to free school meals but booking is still required.

Please note, you will not be able to book meals on the same date, they require booking in advance.  Any problems then please contact the school office.

Application for Pupil Premium/Free School Meals Funding

As part of ensuring equality of provision across our schools, Our Lady of Lourdes CMAT has teamed up with Derbyshire County Council to confirm whether our academies are entitled to claim Pupil Premium Funding for your child. The Pupil Premium provides extra funding within the school for additional equipment and support. Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium, due to economic circumstances, will also be eligible for Free School Meals.  Staff within your child’s school will be able to advise further on this.

We are therefore asking all parents and guardians of children who will be attending one of our Our Lady of Lourdes CMAT Schools in any class including Nursery Classes (aged 3 or 4 years old) to complete the online form at (please note, this redirects to a Derbyshire County Council form).

Please complete all sections of this form and return it to your school who will forward it to Derbyshire County Council for processing in accordance with GDPR and the Council’s Information Management policy.

Schools will be advised on the results of the eligibility status and any changes to this status on a monthly basis.

Aspens Catering General Information

Aspens Catering has been selected as the new catering provider due to the freshness and quality of their food. They always strive to provide a nutritious range of food that differs every day and our food provision continues to be healthy and nutritious.

Please see link to their website and menu:

Aspens Catering Special Dietary Requirements

The company firmly believes in providing high quality food for your child to enjoy that is safe to eat. Special diets are an integral part of our catering provision, whether as a result of an ethical or religious belief or a food intolerance or allergy.  We accept our duty to comply with the Food Information Regulation 2014 which states that allergen information must be provided for all food prepared and sold, and as such we are able to provide a meal for your child if they have a special dietary requirement.  In order for us to do this we require you to complete and return the special diets form to the school as soon as possible.

If your child has a food allergy resulting in a severe reaction/anaphylactic shock we will be in contact to discuss a suitable menu. If this allergy is to one of the known 14 allergens (celery, cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, egg, fish, lupin, milk, molluscs, mustard, peanuts, sesame, soybeans, sulphur dioxide, tree nuts.) then your child can be fed from our allergy free menu until we have agreed a suitable menu with you.  If your child has multiple allergies or is allergic to other foods, such as tomatoes we request that you provide a packed lunch for them until we have met with you to agree a suitable menu.  For those children with intolerance and lifestyle choices, please follow the ordering system to select a suitable meal from the daily menu.

School Meals & Payment Policy

School Meals Payments Policy