Class 3/Year 3

Miss B Gibbens
Miss B Gibbens (Teacher)
Claire Marshall
Miss C Marshall (TA)
Miss T Kearney 
Miss T Kearney (TA)


Year 3 marks the end of Key Stage 1 as your child enters Key Stage 2. We encourage our pupils to take greater ownership of their learning, behaviour and attitudes, and we continue to provide a broad and balanced curriculum based on the children’s interests. Utilising the strong basic skills children have developed in KS1, we challenge our pupils to learn about subjects in greater depth and to apply their prior learning.

Please visit the website regularly to check for any updates.  We will also post information, photos and videos on Class Dojo.

Class 3

Please find Knowledge Organisers for our new Religious Education Directory, RED, units below:

Knowledge Organiser Y3 Creation And Covenant

Children should read to a someone at home 3 times a week and have this recorded in their reading diary.

Passwords and usernames for TT Rockstars are the same as previous years. This is the same username and password for Spelling Shed.

TT Rockstars at least 10 minutes a week.

Here are a variety of websites which you will find useful. Your child can use these to help and support their leaning. Please click  on the weblinks below and enjoy playing some of the games. Thank you. 

Spelling Shed

Times Table Rock Stars

BBC Bitesize for Primary Schools

Maths Topmarks

National Geographics Kids

Oxford Owl

Children should read to a someone at home 3 times a week and have this recorded in their reading diary.

Passwords and usernames for all online platforms are the same and have not changed from when they were given out. If you have forgotten your child’s logon details, please contact me.

Please log on to the online platforms:

TT Rockstars at least 10 minutes a week.

Spelling Shed – please complete the assignment set/access any of the games.

Explore Homework For Homes

Explore Homework For Promises

Explore Homework For Visitors

Explore Homework Listening And Sharing

Stone Soup

Explore Homework for Giving All

The Man Who Was A Bridge


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